Monitor the device itself - Amazon Fire (ie.In-Home Screen Time & Filtering (block apps and sites at home).Consider adding on the Bark Home device to apply our screen time features to your kid's Amazon Fire tablet while they're at home. Connect their social media accounts through your dashboard for even more coverage. Install the Bark Kids app on your child’s device for monitoring. Install the Bark for Chromebooks App (only for Chromebooks).Buy the Bark Home(block apps and sites on computers and other devices).

If your child uses a Chromebook specifically, install the Bark for Chromebooks app to monitor saved photos, videos, and apply our screen time features to their computer(s) when at home or on-the-go. Connect their social media accounts through your dashboard for even more coverage. Consider adding on the Bark Home device to apply our screen time features to your children's computer(s) when at home. If your child uses a laptop of any kind, install the Bark extensions to monitor Chrome and/or Edge web browsing and searches.