How to Add more Brands in Builder Job? its only dink and maibatsu now!. My Vehicle is missing garage after Finishing up the progress - if your garage uses a Unique Garage id - setup it here Config.Default_garage.
My Vehicle is not Starting after Finish the progress? - Config.KeySystemEvent sounds like you use KeySystem, setup a proper event.I Want some animation when installing a parts - Config.Interaction and Config.EnableInteraction.i Want only some job can access the shop? - Enable this Config.jobonly and set a proper job here Config.carbuilderjob default: mechanic.What is vehicle_shell and vehicle_blueprints? - when Meta Inventory is true, System are automatically using vehicle_shell, any new purchase from junk shop will use it while vehicle_blueprints is for normal Non Meta Inventory like.How to Delete Project car its messed up in PD,HP? - Config.DeleteCommand default: /destroyprojectcar.
How to Allow only a Zone Coordinates for spawning a project - Config.EnableZoneOnly. Chop Shop Delete Vehicle? - by default its true Config.DeleteVehicleSql. How to use Inventory Image? - Copy the contents of INVENTORY_IMAGE Folder and drag it to your inventory image folder. Whitelist Vehicle how? - Any Vehicle Listed in Config.Vehicles are Whitelisted and what not included cannot be chop and built (purchase from shops). Items not working? make sure to install the item correctly to your inventory (its should be automatic) full restart of server might be required. replace Install to Remove text UI when Chopping a vehicle. restart ox_inventory ( auto import to a ). ESX OX inventory - start renzu_projectcars to let them import the items. ESX normal Inventory - start renzu_projectcars ( auto import items if not error ). ensure renzu_notify (OPTIONAL) needed to see whats happening or else change the notify system in client and server filesĮSX Optional dependency ( without this inventory you cant use the Unique Car Parts per Vehicle Feature)
ensure renzu_lockgame - OPTIONAL for interaction (recommended) ensure vImageCreator - OPTIONAL for shop images
OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY ( Reccommended to enable this to fully see the full function of script ).